Chiropractic – What is a Subluxation?

Chiropractic – What is a Subluxation?

[blockquote align=”” cite=”Definition of Subluxation by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges”]A subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.[/blockquote]

When a subluxation occurs it causes nerve interference in a portion of the body affected by those nerves. The subluxation causes changes to the structure as well as the nerves. These changes get progressively worse as time is allowed to work on the subluxated area of the spine.

These changes take the form of ongoing degeneration known as “subluxation degeneration”. By understanding the type and amount of changes, it is possible to reasonably estimate the time subluxations have been present in a spine.

Having this information is useful in understanding the time and effort needed for correction.


The current Guidelines issued by the General Chiropractic Council regarding the terminology “Vertebral Subluxation Complex” and any derivative thereof i.e. “subluxation” is “The Chiropractic Vertebral subluxation complex is an historical concept but it remains a theoretical model. It is not supported by any clinical research evidence that would allow claims to be made that it is the cause of disease or health concerns.”Therefore this page is for information only, however, as 97% of the world’s Chiropractors accept and utilise the terms Vertebral Subluxation Complex and subluxation at this time we feel it is important information to be included on this site.The use of the title Dr on this website is with reference to the qualification of Doctor of Chiropractic and is in no way claiming to be that of a Doctor of Medicine.