Spinal Scans

Using spinal scans, we discover the real cause of your problem

[lightbox title=”Interview with Dr Gentempo Bellow” href=”#youtube_lightbox” inline=”true” width=”630″ height=”355″] [button size=”medium” bgColor=”#43ada5″]Demonstration Video of the InSight Technology[/button] [/lightbox]

The Greenwood Spine Clinic has joined a growing number of leading health providers by upgrading their level of care to assess the health and wellbeing of their community through the use of the Insight Subluxation Station™, a non intrusive technology which is a neuro-spinal screening and evaluation system originally designed to measure changes in the spinal muscles of astronauts in outer space.

Greenwood Spine Clinic uses the Insight™ technology to measure nerve imbalances in the body, which helps identify misalignments of the spine that cause nerve interference. Spinal misalignment disturbs the muscle’s regular nerve function, causing an abnormal amount of electrical flow to the muscles and creating other health problems. The Insight Subluxation Station™ measures the electrical flow and charts it using graphics that show the spine and specify precisely where you need to have treatment and most importantly, retest you to make sure you have your problem corrected. This allows for increased accuracy in diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.

Space Age Technology to Solve Spine and Health Problems


The Insight™ technology used by the Greenwood Spine Clinic has also received exclusive certification as a Certified Space Technology™ by The Space Foundation, which is co-founded by NASA. For the Science and Validity behind The Insight™ Millennium Subluxation Station, click Here.